Beaver Brook Association is Grateful for Your Support

As a non-profit organization, contributions from our community keep our mission alive. We couldn't do what we do without you. Thank you for being a crucial part of our mission.

Our mission: To promote the understanding of interrelationships in the natural world and to encourage the conservation of natural resources through education and land stewardship.

Thank you for your sustaining support.

Beaver Brook Program

Co-founder Jeff Smith is known to have said…

that he wanted Beaver Brook to be “An island of green in a sea of humanity.”   Thanks to your support we have kept his vision close to our hearts for over five decades, and Beaver Brook remains…

. . . a safe and beautiful place to be outdoors with family, friends, and community

. . . a protected woodland that safeguards our ground water and nurtures our wildlife

. . . the region’s premier network of pristine hiking trails

. . . an unparalleled outdoor classroom for environmental study and education

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